The Lowdown on Down Payment Assistance Loan...
When purchasing a home, you must pay a down payment, which is a portion of the overall cost of the property. A down payment assistance loan is what you need when you do not have the required amount! It is usually supported by a state agency that helps home buyers with their purchases. These funds can be used for your closing costs or part of your down payment, in addition you may be eligible for a grant or a low- or no-interest loan, depending on the down payment assistance loan programs in Texas you qualify for. Those who might not have cash but can still afford a mortgage payment will benefit from this special program.
How Does Down Payment Assistance Loans Work?
Are you dreaming of buying a house with no down payment in San Antonio Texas? Good news! Now buying home without down payment or buying a house with low down payment is a reality with San Antonio Mortgage. Say goodbye to financial barriers and hello to your own home, buying with one of these very special programs . Explore our options today and take the first step towards homeownership.
Down Payment Assistant programs in Texas are available in various types where getting your loan will be so easy. Here is a brief explanation of the three popular types of down payment assistance:
Grants: Grants are the most beneficial type of down payment assistance. That's because grants offer money that borrowers never have to repay; the money is instead thought of as a gift.
Forgivable Loans: This is the most typical kind of down payment assistance. Low interest loans are made available with the intention that they will be repaid or forgiven after a predetermined time. A lien on the property will serve as further security for this. Typically, these loans are forgiven after 3 years of ownership. Which means they never are paid back.
Why Down Payment Assistance Loan?
There are so many benefits available in DPA loans. Below are the followings:
- Easy Qualifying
- Own your own home today
- Must Live In Your Home
How Do I Apply for Down Payment Assistance Loan?
Down Payment Assistance Texas:
There are plenty of ways you can apply for DPA loans if you are living in Texas. There are a few ways to start the application process once you've determined that Down Payment Assistance is appropriate for you. To make sure you qualify for the program give us a call today, or hit the apply link and one of our seasoned DPA loan officers will reach out to you. We will match you with the appropriate program, and go over all it takes to own your own home with a DPA loan. At San Antonio Mortgage, we provide a lot of alternatives for down payment assistance in San Antonio, Dallas, Houston. Austin, and the whole state of Texas
- Fixed Rates
- Low Mortgage Insurance
- Easy Qualifying
- Free No Obligation Financial Analysis
- Tax Credits for First Time Buyers

Do I Qualify?
- Call today for your "Free No Obligation financial Analysis". Find out how easy this is.